Flickr/U. S. Department of Agriculture
Flickr/U. S. Department of Agriculture
Officials in Nogales, Arizona are asking federal authorities for a temporary halt of new produce inspections in the major port city to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.
On April 3, the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors and Nogales Mayor Arturo Garino asked federal authorities for a “temporary delay” citing the social distancing comments made by Governor Doug Ducey on April 7.
"We have seen people stay at home and social distance and it is making a difference," Ducey told Fox 10 Arizona.
According to recent documents, inspectors saw a jump from 500 inspections per month to over 13,000.
Jaime Chamberlain, who is the president of the local port authority’s board, told Fronteras that inspectors are in danger due to all the stops they have to make.
“In one day, a typical inspector may go to four or five different warehouses,” Chamberlain said. “That is something that is putting our community at risk.”