City of Globe recently issued the following announcement.
Event Date:
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - 6:00pm
Watch The City of Globe Regular Council Meetings LIVE on YouTube!
Click HERE to be taken to the City of Globe YouTube Channel.
To view the Globe City Council Meeting Agenda, click here.
The City of Globe Council Meetings are open to the public at 50% capacity.
To comply with CDC recommendations, please wear a mask when entering and exiting the Council Chambers.
Seating will be limited to alternating rows with group and close contact seating of no more than 4 people, determined by staff.
You may participate in City of Globe public meetings by viewing the meeting live on YouTube. You may email or text "call to the public" comments or comments to speak to agenda items before or during the meeting at or 928/200-0154. Please include your phone number on your request if you desire to speak to Council during an agenda item.
Original source can be found here.