Ann Kirkpatrick tweeted the following:
"Happy Labor Day, Arizona. I hope folks are enjoying the day and take a moment to appreciate what this day is about- celebrating the economic and social victories of our workforce and all long lasting contributions to our communities."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ann Kirkpatrick:
"Nearly 10 MILLION JOBS have been created since @POTUS Biden took office, which is the FASTEST job growth in history!" on Sept. 2Read on Twitter
"There's no denying that inflation hit Arizona families hard, that's why we passed historic legislation that will have a direct impact on working families.We took real action and found solutions to lower health care & energy costs and help" on Sept. 1Read on Twitter
"I've been in and out of elected office for nearly two decades, and I can say with experience that this Congress is the most impactful. We've passed more historic legislation that *will actually help working families* than at any other point in my career." on Aug. 30Read on Twitter