Gail Griffin (R-Ariz.) | Azleg
Gail Griffin (R-Ariz.) | Azleg
State Representative Gail Griffin has moved forward with legislation aimed at increasing local control over groundwater management in rural Arizona. On Tuesday, the House Natural Resources, Energy & Water Committee, chaired by Griffin, advanced HB2572 out of the Senate Natural Resources Committee. The bill includes an amendment that allows small farmers exemptions from non-expansion requirements within a Subsequent Active Management Area (AMA).
The exemption was introduced following requests from constituents in Cochise County. It permits small family farms to expand their operations on land purchased before the AMA designation if they had plans for growth. The amendment sets the exemption limit at 320 acres and applies to all Subsequent AMAs.
"Rural Arizonans have spoken, and Republican lawmakers have listened," said Representative Griffin. She emphasized that while large industrial users can handle increased regulation, small family farms cannot. The exemption aims to support these smaller operations in pursuing expansion plans.
The amendment also proposes changes to the Groundwater Users Advisory Council (GUAC) structure for Subsequent AMAs. Local county boards of supervisors would appoint members instead of the Governor, ensuring appointees are Arizona residents and groundwater users within the AMA.
Additionally, authority between GUAC and the Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) is rebalanced under this amendment. Currently, the Director sets local management goals without needing GUAC input. The amendment shifts this power to GUAC, allowing local stakeholders more influence.
"Local communities have consistently asked for a stronger voice in groundwater decisions," said Griffin. She highlighted that this change empowers rural communities to manage their resources as requested.
Griffin's broader goal is to make existing groundwater tools more suitable for rural areas where Subsequent AMAs were intended to be used. Unlike urban regions covered by "Initial" AMAs under the 1980 Groundwater Code, rural areas were designated later under a framework similar to urban areas, causing unintended consequences.
HB2572 offers a redesigned approach for rural-compatible Subsequent AMAs with conservation tools and flexibility for economic opportunity and locally driven stewardship. The bill passed the Senate Natural Resources Committee along party lines with Republicans supporting it and Democrats opposing it.
Gail Griffin represents Legislative District 19 in Arizona's House of Representatives and chairs the House Natural Resources, Energy & Water Committee.
Information from this article can be found here.