Tom Horne, President | Arizona Department of Education
Tom Horne, President | Arizona Department of Education
Of the 10,213 students attending Santa Cruz County schools, 96.3% were Latino. White students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 2.8% of Santa Cruz County students.
In the previous school year, Latino students were also the most common group in Santa Cruz County, representing 96.5% of the student body.
Elgin Elementary School had the most even distribution of races among the county schools, which had 63.8% white students and 28.9% Latino students.
In the 2022-23 school year, the total number of students enrolled in public schools in the county increased by 2.8% when compared to the previous year.
Additionally, WalletHub claimed Arizona’s school system ranked among the worst across the U.S. for class size, performance, funding, safety, and instructors’ credentials.
A 2023 study from ranked Arizona last out of all U.S. states in terms of educational success, giving the state poor marks for school quality, student success, and teacher-to-student ratio.
School name | Most prevalent ethnic group | Percent of Total Student Body | Total Enrollment |
A. J. Mitchell Elementary School | Latino | 99.7% | 314 |
Calabasas School | Latino | 99.1% | 1,004 |
Challenger Elementary School | Latino | 98.9% | 374 |
Coatimundi Middle School | Latino | 94.3% | 474 |
Desert Shadows Middle School | Latino | 98.8% | 760 |
Elgin Elementary School | White | 63.8% | 149 |
Francisco Vasquez De Coronado Elementary School | Latino | 98.3% | 515 |
Lincoln Elementary School | Latino | 99.8% | 438 |
Little Red Schoolhouse | Latino | 97.3% | 182 |
Mary L. Welty Elementary School | Latino | 99.7% | 364 |
Montessori De Santa Cruz - St. Ann's Hall | Latino | 63.8% | 69 |
Mountain View School | Latino | 96.6% | 385 |
Nogales High School | Latino | 99.3% | 1,797 |
Patagonia Elementary School | Latino | 76.2% | 101 |
Patagonia Montessori School | White | 77.3% | 22 |
Patagonia Union High School | Latino | 69.6% | 79 |
PVHS AOI Program | Latino | 99.3% | 145 |
Rio Rico High School | Latino | 96% | 1,414 |
Robert Bracker Elementary | Latino | 98.9% | 266 |
San Cayetano Elementary School | Latino | 96.7% | 394 |
Wade Carpenter Middle School | Latino | 99.8% | 576 |