"Q: How do you get your mail? A: USPS. The @USPS financial condition has been deteriorating over the decade. Today, we will vote to pass bipartisan #PostalServiceReformAct to finally get USPS on the financial footing necessary to provide high-quality service Americans deserve."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ann Kirkpatrick:
"I was thrilled to be meeting with Pima Community College today to discuss the need to pass our FY22 Appropriations Package and deliver on these meaningful Community Project Funding wins that will directly benefit Southern Arizona."Read on Twitter
"Forced arbitration clauses hide in terms & conditions for employment contracts, leases and so much more -- it's intended to silence victims.It's time to #EndForcedArbitration & make sure survivors voices are heard.I'm proud of my vote tonight. forbes.com/sites/kimelses"Read on Twitter
"The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides billions to invest in our water infrastructure and create jobs.But we must also strengthen the laws that protect our water resources. Thats why I joined 120 @HouseDemocrats calling for the swift repeal of Trumps #DirtyWaterRule." on Feb. 7Read on Twitter